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Für ein Meer an
Leichtigkeit, Freude, Klarheit und Kraft
in Deinem Leben
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Dolphin Healing Practitioner

Du lernst eine einfache und sehr wirkungsvolle Möglichkeit die Schwingungsfrequenz eines Menschen anzuheben und sowohl Körper als auch Geist einen Frische-Kick mit tiefgreifender heilsamer Wirkung zu gönnen.


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Gold Luxus-Stuhl


An deinem VIP Tag stelle ich dir meine komplette Expertise zur Verfügung und wir arbeiten fokussiert an deinem Wunsch bzw. Ziel, sei es beruflich oder privat.

  • Vorgespräch

  • Tagesplanung

  • Dauer: 10:00 Uhr – 17:00 Uhr

  • inkl. Snacks & Mittagessen

  • Reflexionsgespräch

About the Academy

Everything in life revolves around your vibrational frequency. It is instrumental in how light, healthy and content you feel. All programs ofdolphin wings academyare built on the high frequency of joy and love. No matter which type of support, which program you choose for yourself, your joie de vivre and lightness will flourish and actively shaping your life will be easier than you thought. Let yourself be surprised!


dolphin wingssees itself as a platform to increase joy, well-being and awareness.


dolphin wingsmakes it its task to accompany and support people of all ages in different ways, individually or in a group, in the practice room or in nature with the aim of increasing the joy of life and raising people's awareness, so that together we can open paradise can create earths.

Spiritual Journeys


Journey to the wild dolphins
in Egypt

Free Meditation

In this meditation you connect with the primordial crystal and the highest light. Starting from your heart, you experience an alignment with ease that gives you protection and lets your heart power shine.

Spinner Delfine
feedback from my clients

Dear Sonja, "my" wakasisi! That brought me so much on Tuesday! I feel strong and polished again and strengthened in my self-responsibility. Life is fun, even the setbacks I get. Because they don't threaten me, they just draw my attention to something that is important.
I am no longer a submarine but a sailing ship and working with you makes it easier for me to see where the wind is blowing and in which gusts I want to set my sails.
I am grateful that I had the courage to engage with you and your way of seeing the universe ❤️

Catherine F

Members Area

In the member area you get access to exclusive content from past events and meditations.

In the member area you get access to exclusive content from past events and meditations.

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Exclusive Video Content

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Exclusive Meditations

Extended offers & cooperations

The cooperation partners for our extended offer are trained dolphin healing practitioners and offer you additional opportunities to strengthen your well-being and your zest for life.

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Brigitte KaLehua Bugnyar

Veronika Refenner

LOMI LOMI Ke Ala Hoku® Kahuna Bodywork
"Let your soul be touched"

With long, flowing strokes over the whole body, the LOMI massage reaches your whole being.

Through appreciative, gentle touches you experience harmonization, relaxation and being accepted, confidence and trust can set in and love for yourself can grow.

Brigitte Bugnyar | MAKANA LOA ALOHA
Hauptstrasse 98, 2344 Maria Enzersdorf
+43 678 126 3771

Dolphin Healing Practitioner, Dolphin Spirit Coach, rhythm teacher and therapist, laughter yoga leader, English courses for children, mother

Drumming on djembes: shared rhythm experiences bring us into the here and now, into joy and ground us! 

There are regular drum circles and I like to come to events with my djembes.

laughter yoga: Laughter and breathing exercises are healthy and strengthen our immune system, reduce stress and are a fun workout for the body, mind and spirit.

Veronica Refenner

Tel: 0676 326 30 65

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