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For an ocean of
lightness, joy, clarity and strength
in your life
Dolphin Frequency Spa
Dein Energy Kick zum Monatsbeginn mit einer kurzen Meditation und dolphin healing.
Jeden 1. Montag im Monat um 09:00 Uhr

I'm Sonja Hagen
spiritual mediator, energetic therapist, author,
consciousness psychologist, coach, teacher
movement analyst, & dance therapist as well as mother of two adult children
Current events & dates
Let's make it happen together
Would you like to learn more about how you can shape your own life?
Do you long to follow the call of your soul and go your very own way?
Do you wish for more joy and ease in your life?
Are you interested in personal development?
Are you ready to unfold all your potential and use it for yourself?
Are you interested in seeing more than a small part of reality?
Contact me
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